Upcoming Events
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Regular Events
Progressive Dinner
Our annual autumn Progressive Dinner provides neighbors the opportunity to socialize with each other as a large group for the appetizer and dessert course, while the main course is enjoyed in more intimate groups in neighbors’ homes.

First Friday
Residents of the CVE community gather once a month (on the First Friday of each month). This social gathering is informal and focuses on community and friendship, rather than food. Location of each meeting is posted on CVE NextDoor.
Block Party
Our annual Block Party, usually held the 2nd Saturday in June, brings families and friends together for conversation and activities such as a chili cook-off, dessert bake-off, bounce house, climbing wall, tot lot, water balloon toss, grill for hot dogs and hamburgers, as well as music and prizes.
Whether it’s spooky Halloween scenes or festive December lights, CVE neighbors set the mood by decorating their yards and houses.

The College View Estates Association (CVEA) meets quarterly at a member’s home. For meeting locations, email CVEApresident@gmail.com.
Several CVEA members also serve on the College Area Community Council and Planning Boards (CACC & CACPB), a city recognized board representing the larger College Area that meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the College-Rolando Library. For more information, go to http://collegearea.org/cacc/.