Here we describe those City of San Diego codes, ordinances and laws which are particularly relevant to College View Estates and other College Area residential communities.
For more information click on the headings/text underscored for the city’s page on this topic. To report a problem or get a specific question answered refer to phone numbers/links at Who to Call
Property Maintenance
Waste and litter: Trash, junk, debris, indoor furniture, overflowing trash containers, and other waste and litter on private property are code violations.
Landscape: Dry grass and weeds cannot exceed 18 inches. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining parkways (including bush, tree trimming). Trees and bushes may not block sidewalks.
Parkway Trees: Parkway (the area between sidewalk and street) is owned by the city as right of way. Parkway trees, property of the city, are planted for the city by Urban Corps. Only certain trees may be planted in our narrow parkway. A City permit is required to remove a parkway tree; issued only if tree is dead. Owners who remove parkway trees without a permit will be fined. City will repair parkway or sidewalk when parkway tree roots cause damage. Maintenance (trimming) of parkway trees is the homeowner’s responsibility.
Brush Maintenance: The municipal code requires that vegetation within 100 feet of houses on canyon lots be maintained in a manner to reduce fire danger. The rules are complicated, but at a minimum keep dead wood cleared out, and keep tall bushes away from the house.
For more information:
Brush / Weed Abatement -619-533-4444
Joe Jones, Parkway Tree Planting – 619-582-8532
Fire Department Code Compliance -619-533-4483
Landscaping for fire safety city code
Water-wise landscape plants
Trash, Recycle, Yard Waste
Trash Collection (black city bin) is every Friday morning (Saturday after certain holidays). Trash must be in the approved container. Loose trash or trash in bags will not be picked up. Recycle (blue city bin) and Green Waste (regular trash cans) are collected alternate weeks. Recycle must be in the approved container. Hazardous Waste must not be put in with household trash.
Containers may be on the street as early as 6 p.m. the night before pick up and must be off the street by 6 p.m. on the day of collection. Failure to remove trash containers is a code violation.
Containers should be stored in a secured location not visible from public right-of-way, such as behind a fence, in your backyard, or in your garage.
For more information:
City of San Diego Environmental Services – 858-694-7000